Pre-Professional Ballet Intensive in Northern Michigan!
We invite all aspiring ballet dancers to join us for a week of intensive classical ballet training & performing! Dancers will take daily ballet technique class, learn classical variations, character dance, pointe and pre-pointe, build strength and flexibility(PBT), perform at the end of the week, and much more! We are excited to be bringing in fabulous, professional guest teachers to give students the real “intensive” experience!
Registration opens in April! Please contact us for more information about registration and auditioning!

$150 for CCAC dancers (who danced during the 23/24 school year)
Cost includes t-shirt, learning materials, etc.
Non-NLDA dancers are required to audition to ensure that they are qualified to attend. Auditioning will also serve as a placement class.
Students wanting to audition are welcome to attend a class at the NLDA prior to the Intensive, or send in an audition video. Please contact us at for either option.
Schedule: (example day)
9:00-10:45 – Technique Class
10:50-11:30 – Class #2 (Pointe/Pre-pointe, PBT, etc. )
11:30-12:00 – Lunch
12:00-1:00 – Class #3 (Variations, etc.)
1:00-2:00 – Class #4 (Character, etc.)
Students will learn Classical Variations and Character repertoire throughout the week to perform in the end of intensive performance. The performance is held at the studio. Friday, 1:30-2pm.
Uniform Requirements:
Female dancers:
Leotard, any color (no revealing panels or cutouts)
Skirt, Optional
Pink Ballet Tights
Pink ballet slippers
Hair in bun
Warm ups, tshirts, shorts, etc. allowed for conditioning class.
Optional items: Character shoes, yoga mat, practice tutus,
character skirt, etc.
Male Dancers:
White T-shirt
Black tights or Leggings
Black shorts
Black ballet shoes
Dancers are required to pack a lunch. Water bottles are a must!