Our performance for Saturday night the 16th, was only for the senior & older dancers. Each performance we do is usually for the whole troupe, but we also enjoy hand crafting a performance for a particular group.
We were asked to perform for the Michigan Credit Union League at the Soaring Eagle Covention Center in Mt. Pleasant. There were probably 750-1000 in attendance and the room was filled with happy, green clad people. The dancers were thrilled and gave an awesome performance of different solo & ceili dances.
We also had a chance to get volunteers from the audience to dance the Ceili: Walls of Limerick with us. What fun! It is so neat to see all different people coming together for a Ceili. Everyone happy and every thrilled to join in to the dance.
Our ending performance, which was a medley of ceilis and reels, brought thunderous applause and caused the dancers to be overwhelmed with gratitude for the chance to perform what they love to do.